Security and Trust Services API (SATSA)

The Security and Trust Services API for J2ME defines four optional packages to support smart card communication, generation of digital signatures, and low-level cryptography operations.


Exception classes from java.lang required by the SATSA-APDU, SATSA-JCRMI, and SATSA-CRYPTO optional packages (see details above)
java.lang Provides classes that are fundamental to the Java programming language.

Optional Package: SATSA-APDU Communication
javax.microedition.apdu This package defines the APDU protocol handler for ISO7816-4 communication to a smart card device.

Optional Package: SATSA-JCRMI Communication
java.rmi A subset of the java.rmi package in the Java 2 Standard Edition.
javacard.framework Provides Java Card API exceptions that may be thrown by a remote method.
javacard.framework.service Provides a Java Card API exception that may be thrown by a remote method. Provides a Java Card API exception that may be thrown by a remote method.
javax.microedition.jcrmi Provides classes and interfaces for Java Card RMI connection.

Optional Package: SATSA-PKI Signature Service
javax.microedition.pki This package defines classes to support basic user certificate management.
javax.microedition.securityservice This package defines classes to generate application-level digital signatures that conform to the Cryptographic Message Syntax (CMS) format.

Optional Package: SATSA-CRYPTO Cryptographic Interfaces Provides the classes and interfaces for the security framework. Provides classes and interfaces for key specifications and algorithm parameter specifications.
javax.crypto Provides the classes and interfaces for cryptographic operations.
javax.crypto.spec Provides classes and interfaces for key specifications and algorithm parameter specifications.

Generic Connection Framework Interfaces Classes for the Generic Connection framework.


The Security and Trust Services API for J2ME defines four optional packages to support smart card communication, generation of digital signatures, and low-level cryptography operations.

Generic Connection Framework

The smart card communication API is based on the Generic Connection Framework in the package. Two smart card connection interfaces are defined for establishing a connection with a smart card. The APDUConnection interface is used to communicate with ISO7816-4 compliant smart cards. The JavaCardRMIConnection interface is used to initiate a JCRMI session. These connections are defined in the javax.microedition.apdu and javax.microedition.jcrmi packages respectively.

SATSA-APDU Optional Package

The optional package SATSA-APDU includes two components to support communication with ISO7816-4 compliant smart cards using the APDU protocol.

SATSA-JCRMI Optional Package

The optional package SASTA-JCRMI includes four components to provide a Java Card RMI client API:

SATSA-PKI Optional Package

The optional package SATSA-PKI includes two components to provide generation of digital signatures and basic user credential management (for example, an X.509 certificate is a user credential that includes a public key).

SATSA-CRYPTO Optional Package

The optional package SATSA-CRYPTO is a subset of the Java 2 platform, Standard Edition (J2SE) Cryptography API. When this optional package is implemented on a CDC/FP based platform that already supports some of the classes in this optional package, the whole API is the union of the API in the CDC/FP and the API in the SATSA-CRYPTO optional package.


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